Let's be honest with ourselves; when you examine auto insurance, you wonder about cars, accidents, theft and acts of nature. Car insurance is viewed as uninteresting and useful, cautious and mandated by law in different amounts based upon the state.
Is this accurate?
What you may not know is that auto insurance's roots involve ancient sea vessels and pirates. Let's look at the history of car insurance to see if we can't alter your perception about how you see insurance coverage.
The History of Car Insurance
4,000 years ago there were no cars about to ship goods and people, but there were vessels. Ships were the answer to bridging continents, exploring, transporting goods and starting wars. But much like modern vehicles of today, boats were not immune to mishaps and wrecks. Storms, defective equipment, ruthless pirates, wear and tear and other circumstances often occurred to sink ships filled with precious cargo.
The boat owners had an obligation to their customers to transport the goods and freight they carried, but they could not promise that harm would never occur, which meant with every journey there was an implied risk. In order to protect this stake, ancient Babylonian sailors would give their clients money equaling the entire worth of all the shipment they were entrusting on the vessels before they begin the voyage. If the goods were transferred, the sailor could then get the money back that he'd given his customer to promise reliable delivery. That was the real start of car insurance as we know it.
When automobiles were first driven on previously horse and wagon overrun roads, there wasn't much in the way of driving regulations. Of course, there also weren't many drivers; cars were the dominion of the extremely well off and were regarded a luxury. Because lives and property were at risk thanks to the careless driving of the privileged few and hardly any driving laws, liability insurance was ultimately required for those with a car. That assured that all the people whose lives and belongings were exposed to the drivers had some financial options if they suffered damages.
As time passed and the driving population increased, auto insurance became more multifaceted, providing security to not only those who might experience loss by the hands of the driver, but also the driver him or herself. Now, insurance is required in almost every state (with the exception of New Hampshire). Policies have been augmented so that coverage extends more to the driver to insure against circumstances like theft and damage caused by acts of nature.
To learn more about auto Insurance contact us at 877-977-2478 or get a Georgia auto insurance quote today!