Wednesday, November 8, 2017Traffic authorities expect you to be a safe driver. So, too, does your auto insurer. If you drive recklessly, you put your own safety and the safety of others at risks. Speeding, accidents, drunk driving and even failing to carry insurance make you a more risky operator. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 24, 2017Motorcycles provide both a fun means of recreation and vital mode of transportation. They also pose risks to operators that differ from those of the standard vehicle. These are sensitive machines. Therefore, operators usually have to insure them with specified motorcycle insurance policies. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 12, 2017Marriage changes your life. Nonetheless, it’s not just about picking out matching bathrobes. You often go through a period of combining assets in your respective lives. The way you live your life is going to change. Sometimes, it means that you will face risks now that you never have before. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 26, 2017Every vehicle requires some sort of maintenance or repair. If you can't trust your mechanic, you may second guess his recommendations and motives. Don't let a mechanic intimidate you. These professionals know cars inside and out, yet most aren't looking to scam auto novices. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 14, 2017Perhaps it is time to move to a new home. However, rather than buying, you might want to continue to rent. If you have existing renters insurance, it is time to think about how that policy will protect you in your new home. You may think all you need to do is change the address on your renters insurance to get coverage. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 22, 2017Every driver needs to carry car insurance. In the event of a driving accident, insurance can come in handy to help drivers afford repairs. They could also help drivers compensate others for the damage or injuries they receive in the incident. However, what most drivers need to realize is that car insurance is more than just a recommendation. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 16, 2017A rental home belongs to a homeowner. However, that homeowner leases the home to a renter. By contract, renters agree to maintain certain degrees of upkeep for the home. For that reason, both parties in the deal have to do their part to see to the home’s preservation and maintenance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 10, 2017It's time to hand your keys to your new driver. It is a big time in their life and in your life. It is also a big commitment you are taking on by offering them this opportunity. Teen drivers can be very good drivers. Many will never be in an accident. However, there are times when accidents do occur. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 25, 2017As a renter, you have contractual permission to live in a home owned by someone else. The home itself may not be yours. However, plenty of items that you bring onto the property belong personally to you. You assume a responsibility for your own property in the rented space. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 19, 2017Purchasing an auto insurance policy may seem complicated. You want to follow state and local laws without taking on more coverage than necessary for your car. By understanding minimum coverage requirements, you can learn how to handle auto incidents. Liability Protection READ MORE >>
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