Friday, November 6, 2015Heavy traffic and road construction can easily trigger irritation and anger while driving, but giving into road rage can have damaging effects. Aggressive driving behaviors contribute to a significant number of car accidents, some of which may even result in loss of life. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 27, 2015If you’re preparing to move into a rental property, you’ve probably been told that renters insurance is a worthwhile investment. However, the prospect of one more recurring bill to keep up with may sound unappealing. But don’t slam on the brakes just yet. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 15, 2015During the fall season, car-deer collisions rise dramatically. As the cool weather settles in, deer become more active, and the upcoming mating season means their minds are on other things besides looking both ways before crossing the road. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 9, 2015 So, your bad driving has caught up to you and your license has been suspended. Symptoms of bad driving may include: DUI (DWI/OUI) Reckless driving At-fault accidents Driving without insurance Other offenses READ MORE >>
Friday, September 18, 2015You probably keep all of your important documents—your birth certificate, social security card, diploma and transcripts—in a safe place, but have you documented your possessions so that they can be replaced if their lost due to a fire, flood, theft or other incident? For many people, the answer is "no. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 5, 2015Some drivers are required to carry an SR-22 on their auto insurance policy to prove that they have insurance and the financial resources to pay in the event of an accident. If your state has revoked your driver's license for any reason, it's likely that you'll need SR-22 insurance to get it back. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 12, 2014You’ve been inundated with messages about how safe driving can save lives. But did you know that driving with safety in mind can also save you money? Let’s take a look at how costs can rise with poor driving habits. Safe Drivers READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 31, 2014Do you like performing handiwork and repairs on your boat? While hobbyists and tinkerers can perform their own minor fixes, it’s important to learn about the types of resins available for larger, more complex tasks. Marine supply shops carry three main types of resin, two of which are very similar. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 30, 2014Chances are you drive multiple times a day, which puts you at risk of being involved in a car accident. If you are not backed up by a reliable insurance policy, you can experience major financial issues if you do have a car accident. By not having auto insurance, you put yourself at risk for: READ MORE >>
Friday, May 30, 2014The percentage of motorcycle accidents significantly increases during the spring and summer months due to the fact that there are more favorable weather conditions for motorcycle riders and, in general, more people out on the road. Following some simple safety tips can make riding safer and much more enjoyable. READ MORE >>
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