When requesting a car insurance quote, one of the questions your agent will inquire about is the number of miles you drive each year. If you work 30 minutes from home or travel significantly each day, you are on the road more and therefore, you pose a higher risk to the insurance provider. However, many people don't drive very far at all. When it comes to getting an auto insurance policy, getting your mileage right could actually save you money and improve your overall coverage.
What is Low Mileage?
Each insurance provider establishes what they consider to be low mileage. This differs from one insurer to the next. In many cases, driving under 15,000 miles per year is considered low mileage. If you drive at that level or even slightly higher, be sure to ask your insurer if you qualify for a discount.
If you are unsure how many miles you drive annually, consider what your normal route each day is. Factor in trips you take on the weekend. Create a weekly estimate based on how many miles you drive each week, and then multiple that by 52. Keep in mind that those who drive long distances on vacations or to and from school may be impacted by large chunks of additional miles added throughout the year.
Can You Get a Discount?
Not all insurance providers offer discounts for low mileage. The best way to find out is to request this discount from the insurer.
Some companies offer a pay as you drive insurance program, which could impact your costs. These programs are geared towards individuals who drive between 10,000 and 15,000 miles each year. They are ideal programs for those who do not drive much, and the premiums can be significantly lower as a result.
Talk to your insurance carrier to find out if you qualify for a low mileage auto insurance discount. If you don't drive frequently or for long distances, this discount could save you up to 20 percent on your premium costs.
Are you covered? Call Peachstate Insurance at (877) 997-2478 for more information on Marietta auto insurance.