When it comes to knowing if you are covered, you need to read through your auto insurance policy. Many people don't realize the importance of doing just that. Every insurance policy has key documents within it that provide you with clear information about what coverage you do and do not have and what amount of protection is in place. There are several key components of your car insurance policy you should know about.
The Declarations Page
This page provides most of the information you need. It identifies who you are, the specific named property (your vehicle, often the model number and VIN number), as well as your policy number, listed drivers and much more. The page is broken into sections providing information about the coverage types you have, the units of coverage you purchased, as well as the premium or cost to each of those components. Your auto insurance policy completely outlines what you will pay on the declarations page.
The next portion of your car insurance policy is the endorsement notifications. An endorsement, which is sometimes called a rider, is a type of additional coverage you add to your policy for additional protection. For example, you may add on additional transportation expense coverage, or you may customize your insurance policy with additional protection for high-end items.
The Base Policy
The policy will also outline the details of the coverage such as when it goes into effect, what happens if you file a claim and what types of steps the insurer is responsible for. Reading through the base policy can help you to understand how your auto insurance claims will work, especially the type of coverage you will have, the limitations of the policy, as well as the legal elements of purchasing the policy.
When buying auto insurance, be sure to read all of the documents provided to you about your insurance. You need to know the details so that if you find yourself in a position of using the insurance, you know exactly what to expect and what you are paying for with each premium you submit.
We’ll help review your coverage. Call Peachstate Insurance at (877) 997-2478 for more information on Douglasville auto insurance.