You've been in an accident and need to file a claim with your auto insurance provider. It seems like a big process and you are worried about what to expect. But you don't have to be. Most car insurance companies have made it easy for individuals to file claims. And you often have more than one way to do so. Some companies now allow you to take a photo of the damage and submit it online to your carrier. Others will want the agent to come out to inspect your vehicle. In all cases, your insurance agent is there to help you through the process.
Report it Right Away
If you are involved in an accident, after filing a police report, the next step for you to take is to call your car insurance carrier. They can explain next steps. Generally, you will need to provide information about what happened, when it happened and whether or not a police report was filled out. Then, the agent will determine if they need to see the damage first hand.
If so, the agent will make arrangements with you to see the car depending on the circumstances. In most cases, this is not necessarily an estimate, but just a way to detail what happened. Then the insurer will tell you where to take the vehicle for an estimate on the repairs. Some states require that you can take your vehicle to any shop you would like to.
Estimates and Claims
The repair shop provides an estimate for the amount of work to be done, detailing the very specific steps necessary. Then this information is passed on to the insurance agent. Once the claim is approved, it then moves on to processing. You'll have a check written to you or the repair company for the damage. It's that simple.
The key is to keep your auto insurance company in the loop about what is happening. You may have to provide proof that the work was completed to the agent. Most importantly, do not avoid getting your vehicle inspected by a repair shop you trust. You want to be sure the car is in the best condition possible after the repairs are completed. Your car insurance company wants the same thing.
Need help filing a claim? Call Peachstate Insurance at (877) 997-2478 for more information on auto insurance Newnan, GA.