If you’re preparing to move into a rental property, you’ve probably been told that renters insurance is a worthwhile investment. However, the prospect of one more recurring bill to keep up with may sound unappealing. But don’t slam on the brakes just yet. Many financial professionals have praised renters insurance as one of the most valuable types of coverage. Here’s why our agency recommends it:
- Even though purchasing renters insurance does create another expense, it’s not expensive. In fact, it’s one of the most affordable insurance products on the market. Most people will pay less than $200 per year for invaluable protection.
- While the property manager holds insurance for the buildings and common areas, that coverage does not protect your personal belongings. It’s not uncommon to own around $20,000 worth of stuff, which could mean financial ruin if you didn’t have renters insurance when a disaster caused massive destruction.
- If a thief targets your rental unit, it may mean kissing your laptop or guitar goodbye. Burglars tend to steal valuable objects that are easy to carry. Luckily, with renters insurance, you can be reimbursed for your losses so you can get replacements.
- In many cases, your belongings are covered by renters insurance even when away from home. For example, someone may steal your tablet while you’re traveling, or the sporting equipment in your trunk may be damaged in a car accident.
Are you beginning to understand the importance of renters insurance? Your independent insurance agent can assist you in finding the right policy for your needs, starting with a free quote.
We’ve got you covered. Call Peachstate Insurance at (877) 997-2478 for more information on Atlanta renters insurance.