Moving into a rental property is not like moving into a brand new home. Rentals are, at least in theory, places for temporary occupancy. While you can stay in a rental usually as long as your lease allows, someone else owns the actual property. Furthermore, others may have occupied the property before you.
Because you aren’t the only person to ever occupy your rental, you face unique risks when moving in. There may be residual risks left by the previous occupant or by the owners. You may not be fully aware of these small risks. This lack of awareness could raise your insurance liabilities.
The law requires many property owners to disclose potential risks to new renters. However, it is also up to the renter to protect his or her liabilities before moving into a rental property.
Get Renters Insurance
Renters insurance is a common and often very affordable asset. It can provide coverage for property damage, personal property loss and physical injuries in the rental.
Many owners require tenants to carry minimum levels of insurance before they move in. Carrying renters coverage can help protect both you and the owner from unfair risks.
Completing a Move-In Inspection
Before you move into a rental, your property owner may perform a pre-move inspection. This helps catch any small problems that may impact the owner and renter.
Renters may also have to complete their own move-in inspections shortly after arriving. Renters often walk through their rentals and complete a checklist that notes the quality of the property. This can help the renter catch small problems. By completing a walk-through you might free yourself from any legal blame that might arise following certain damages.
Remember to check these items when you move into your rental:
- Inspect your electrical system. Look at all light fixtures, wiring, outlets and switches. Check for frays, sparks, flickers and any other small electrical problems.
- Make sure your utility systems function appropriately. Inspect your kitchen appliances, washer and dryer system, water heater, and thermostat.
- Run your water systems for a period shortly after moving in. This can help you detect leaks, pipe breaks and clogs in your systems.
- Check the walls, floors, foundations and ceilings of the building. Cracks, sags and discoloration can indicate leaks, breaks and other structural problems.
- Test and inspect the home’s doors and windows. Make sure they open, close and lock securely. You’re ensuring a valuable safety aspect of your property by doing so.
If you have questions about your rental’s safety, contact the owner and your renters insurance provider. They can help you understand your responsibilities.
We can help you get the correct Marietta renters insurance coverage for your home or business. Call us at 877.997.2478 for more information.