Tuesday, May 15, 2018The law expects you to be a safe driver. By doing so, you’re not just keeping yourself safe, you’re doing a public service. Driving means you interact with others and their cars. If you don’t drive safely, you put many people—other drivers, pedestrians and passengers—in danger. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 27, 2018Families have unique transportation needs, and we don’t just mean bigger cars. Getting your family around requires a considerable degree of planning. Not to mention, transporting your brood demands a heightened awareness of safety. Child safety in vehicles requires absolute devotion from those charged with transporting them. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 13, 2018Thousands of Americans use motorcycles for recreation, competition or everyday travel. In fact, there were over 8 million registered in the states in 2011. They remain an important part of our cultural experience, given the American propensity to love the open road. Many people buy their first motorcycles as young adults. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 CBS46 News Atlanta Plugged In starts now. Julie: Well, every Atlantan knows that with the amount of cars on our roadways, car accidents are an everyday occurrence. So, we want the best car insurance value for our dollar and that's where Peachstate Insurance can help. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 30, 2018If you’ve ever rented a home, your landlord might have asked for your consent to run a background check on you. This will serve as a way that the landlord can ensure you will be a trustworthy tenant. Contained in the report might be various information. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 13, 2018In most Georgia and most other states, it is the law for drivers to carry auto insurance. Car insurance serves as a valuable form of protection for both drivers and others on the road. For example, it might help the driver repair their car in case it sustains damage in an accident. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 28, 2018Riding a motorcycle is a lot different from driving a car. Given the risks, riders often face significant penalties if they break the law. This could tarnish the biker’s driving record. It might even lead to increased insurance prices. If you accumulate a lot of driving charges, you need to take a step back and look at your driving practices. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 13, 2018Drivers are, in effect, the captains of their ships. They are ultimately responsible for the safety of everyone in their car. When you drive, you have to look out for your passengers. If you’re a parent with small kids, this means protecting your most precious assets. Children are not the same as adults. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 26, 2018If you’re just starting out, it’s likely time for you to get your own place. Moving out of your parents' house and into a space of your own is a big step, and one that’s both exciting and challenging. You might think that getting an apartment or home might be as simple as signing a lease, but in reality it’s not. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 16, 2018If the police have ever pulled you over, they have likely asked for proof of auto insurance. However, if you didn’t have auto insurance, you might have found yourself in hot water. Driving without auto insurance is against the law for most drivers in most states. READ MORE >>
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