Tuesday, November 1, 2016Thirty-seven percent of all households in the United States are renters, according to the National Multifamily Housing Council. However, the Insurance Information Institute (III) conducted a study in 2015 that showed only 40 percent of renters maintain renters insurance compared to 95 percent of homeowners who have homeowners insurance. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 28, 2016 Your vehicle isn’t where you parked it. It could be outside of your home or in a shopping center. It is not uncommon for vehicles to be stolen today. And, contrary to what many believe, the vehicles most often stolen are everyday vehicles owned by many families rather than high-end sports cars. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 20, 2016You bought a motorcycle you love. You took it out a handful of times over the last few years, but you don’t use it very often. And, you may be thinking about dropping your insurance coverage. Should you do so? There are some situations in which you can stop coverage, but at the same time, you’ll need to consider what this will mean to you in the short and long term. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 14, 2016In some areas, the rental market is very tight. In these areas, it can be hard to find a vacant apartment that is within your budget. That’s when sub-leasing can become an attractive offer. In sub-leasing, you share an apartment with another person or lease it from someone that is currently leasing it (rather than leasing it directly from the property owner or management company). READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 20, 2016Renters insurance is one of the most overlooked, yet valuable forms of property insurance today. It provides a wide range of benefits for today’s apartment, condo or home renter. Generally speaking, this type of insurance covers your personal property and belongings while also providing liability coverage to you when you live in a space that you don’t own. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 15, 2016The National Safety Council reports that 530,000 animal related incidents occurred in 2003. These collisions resulted in more than 10,000 injuries. Deer are involved in a lot of these accidents. Deer, which are quite large and very powerful animals, can cause a significant amount of damage when hit. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 31, 2016The need to have SR-22 insurance indicates that you are a high-risk driver. If you are facing a significant violation of your driving privileges, the court may require that you obtain this type of auto insurance. It specifically provides a higher level of protection for other drivers. READ MORE >>
Sunday, August 21, 2016If you are required to purchase SR-22 insurance, it’s not the end of your driving career. You can still travel and drive as you see fit. However, it’s important to note, there are a few things you should be mindful of when you have SR-22 insurance to ensure you protect your car insurance and your driver’s license. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 19, 2016Perhaps you are moving into your new home in a few months. You need a place to live for just a bit while you wait for the documents to go through. You decide to rent an apartment through a short-term lease. This gives you the ability to have that extra time you need. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 23, 2016When the weather starts to warm up, most people begin gearing up for vacation season. For many, vacation season includes taking road trips with friends and family members. Although many people will be visiting areas they are familiar with, others will take trips to new locations. READ MORE >>
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